BBL Skin Tyte

The SkinTyte procedure utilises a broadband of light energy to deeply heat dermal collagen. This process promotes partial denaturation and contraction of collagen. The heat also initiates the body’s natural healing process which creates a renewed collagen foundation leading to increased skin firmness. Powerful cooling maintains the outer surface of your skin at a cool temperature before, during and after each pulse, providing a comfortable and safe procedure. A series of pulses will be repeated over the treatment area to ensure best results. Actual time of treatment will depend on the area treated.

SkinTyte is a non-invasive procedure with no downtime so you can resume regular activities immediately following treatment. You can also apply makeup and sunscreen after each treatment. The SkinTyte procedure is not a substitute for a face-lift and results may vary from person to person. It is recommended for those who desire moderate, noticeable skin improvements without having to undergo surgery. Full results often take up to four months as the collagen foundation of your skin is rebuilt and strengthened.

SkinTyte treatments are safe for all skin types and can be performed on any area of the body where an improvement in your skin firmness is desired. Popular areas for Non-Surgical Skin Tightening include the face and neck. A series of 2-3 treatments spaced a month apart is usually needed. No special skincare regimen is required following treatment. However, you should always protect your skin from direct sun exposure and use a good sunscreen.

Please click here for BBL SkinTyte brochure.

Click here for BBL SkinTyte Before & After pictures.

Cost per Skin Tyte Treatment:
$850 for lower face & upper neck