Cheek Fillers

As we age, our facial volume changes from the fullness of youth to the hollowness of old age. This is due to the loss of subcutaneous volume due to normal ageing, weight loss, trauma or disease processes, and along with the sagging of tissues due to gravity. The result is a gaunt and tired look, characterized by hollow eyes, sunken cheeks, jowls and a recessed chin.

Facial revolumising treatments with deeply placed thicker Dermal Fillers helps to restore some of this lost volume and enhance the contours for a more voluminous youthful looking face. The most popular of which is volume restoration to the mid face and cheekbone areas. Enhancing sunken cheeks also provides a subtle lift to the lower face and fuller facial contours. This can be combined with fillers in the pre-jowl areas to improve the contours of the irregular jaw line caused by ageing and gravity, and also using fillers to enhance the recessed chin. The media commonly refers to this procedure as the non-surgical or ‘liquid’ facelift.

Many people start to notice that their eyes look more hollowed and sunken from their 30s onwards, which can be rejuvenated by injecting fillers deep into the tear troughs area under the eyes. By smoothing out these hollows, the dark circles and shadows appear less prominent, creating fresher looking eyes.

Dermal Fillers are also often used to balance asymmetrical facial features which could be congenital, caused by trauma from sporting injuries and accidents during our younger years, or to correct post-surgical irregularities. Chronic depression of a cheek or eye socket caused by previous fractures of the face can also be elevated by injecting dermal fillers deeply to lift the area for a more balanced and symmetrical looking face.

Cost: 1ml syringe $680+, 2ml $1260+, 3ml $1740+ and 4ml Liquid Facelift Package $2120+