Photo Facial Rejuvenation

Ageing of the face is often associated with dull skin, brown marks, red veins and wrinkles. Most of these changes occur as a result of sun exposure over many years. For tired looking skin with enlarged pores, poor texture, fine lines, small veins, redness, age spots and other blemishes associated with ageing and an active lifestyle, significant improvements can be achieved with a series of pulse light treatments, targeted to treat the appropriate concerns.

At Melbourne Cosmetic Medicine, the technology we use is called Broadband Light (BBL), an improved version of the Intense Pulse Light (IPL). After a series of treatments, your skin should appear smoother, more vibrant, and have a more youthful appearance. We recommend 2-5 treatments, at monthly intervals, to produce the desire results. This treatment is non-invasive and simple, with virtually no downtime. When combined with MicroLaser Peels and fractional resurfacing with ProFractional, the improvements seen can be more dramatic.

Cost: $495 for face, $395 for decolletage, and $790 for face & decolletage